Migrow Pest Control is a natural organic pesticide formulation. Mite is a very dangerous pest and now a days this pest problem is increasing due to climatic changes. It is based on dual active ingredient. It acts as contact poison and fumigant. It control both nymph and adult stages of insect. It can be applied in landscape, garden as well as for all agricultural, nursery and horticultural plants.
- Induce plant immunity against insects.
- Work more effectively if used as preventative measure
- Compatible with generally used fungicides.
- Spraying on regular basis protect crops from pest attack and saves more expenses on crop protection.
- Best for organic farming.
All types of mites, also on Aphids, Jassids, Thrips and whiteflies etc.
Application Frequency
Spraying should be done 10 days interval initially and weekly interval at severe condition.
Target crops
Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables and other traditional crops. Best for grapes, tomato, bringal, capsicum, rose, marigold etc.
2-3 ml per Litre water.
Packaging available
100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L, 50L, 200L