It is a natural organic liquid formulation. It prevents from Heliothis, Spodoptera and other larva. Best for the control of fruit borer and shoot borer. Naturally increases immunity of plants against soil borne diseases. It can be applied in landscape, garden as well as for all agricultural, nursery and horticultural plants
- To control all types of larva, army worm, boll worm, root worm, pink ball warm and heliothis, Spodoptera etc.
Recommended crops:
- For All types of horticulture, field crops and Vegetables, cotton crops.
- Mix with all types of Pesticides/Fungicides and PGR product.
- Fatty Acid and salt of Alkaloids with mix of wild plant oil.
Bulk packing: 25 ltr, 50 ltr, 200 ltr
Availability: in 20 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 ltr & 5 ltr packing size
Dose:2-3 ml per Litre